Victoria, Retreat & Spa

Victoria, Retreat & Spa

Victoria, Retreat & Spa

The Ê-SENSES Concept

At the beginning of Ê-SENSES, is the Yi-king, an ancestral Chinese method weaving a unique link between our body, the cosmos, the rhythm of the seasons, natural remedies, food and our emotions.


These are our master organs that govern our metabolism, giving it a perfect balance.


In a world where stress is legion, it is essential to act on the well-being of your master organs, by draining them, by stimulating them, via corresponding points and meridians or by using specific essential oils.


It is your date of birth that determines your Yi-king sign: eight seasons which correspond to eight emblematic elements of nature.


Discover now, if you are: earth, thunder, fire, lake, sky, wind, water or mountain, to respect your frequency and the natural balance of your body and the deep harmony of your spirit.

I determine my element

based on my date of birth

Earth 6 January - 18 february

Rebalance the digestive and emotional system

EARTH temperaments are normally wellbalanced, instinctive and intuitive. To maintain your balance it is important to respect your cycles and fi nd regularity : meals, sleep, seasons…

Whenever not listening to your inner voice, you might feel overwhelmed, let others take up your time and energy or inadvertently open up to parasitic behaviours from others. This can lead to anxiety and affect the digestive system.

Ideal for cleaning your digestive system, The Earth Ê-SENSE Remedy has a detox effect by acting deep on your organs. Composed of rosemary verbenone, tropical basil, aromatic ravintsara and coriander, it filters your liver, rebalances your body, soothes your bloating and fermentations related to digestion. Your emotional tensions and your tensions concentrated on the solar plexus disappear: you feel reboosted and revitalized! You are balanced, instinctive and intuitive, you need to regain a vital rhythm at the level of the food cycle and sleep …

The Ê-SENSE Earth remedy will accompany you, evacuating the anxiety which invades you on a daily basis and pollutes the spirit. With this Ê-SENSE fluid, you will be released from a digestive weight in your heart: a new life opens to you!


The Earth remedy will accompany you, evacuating the anxiety that invades you daily and pollutes your mind. With this fluid, you will be freed from a digestive weight in your inner self: A new life is opening up for you!


The spray accompanies you as a perfume during an important meeting. On your pillow or as a mist on your face. A feeling of freshness all day!


The Earth remedy has a detox effect, acting deeply on the organs. It filters the liver and rebalances the organism, it soothes bloating and fermentation linked to digestion. It also acts on fatigue, exhaustion, weakness and lack of energy. DOSAGE: 21-day cure every change of season. Orally to drain the spleen and stomach rebalance your inner rhythms through your digestive system. 2 capsules morning and evening during meals as a cure. If sick 4 capsules morning and evening for 6 days.


5 minutes in the posture Spleen & Stomach Meridiens. All the meridians of the lower body get stimulated through the compression in the toes.

Thunder 19 february - 8 april

Rebalance the digestive and emotional system

EARTH temperaments are normally wellbalanced, instinctive and intuitive. To maintain your balance it is important to respect your cycles and fi nd regularity : meals, sleep, seasons…

Whenever not listening to your inner voice, you might feel overwhelmed, let others take up your time and energy or inadvertently open up to parasitic behaviours from others. This can lead to anxiety and affect the digestive system.

Ideal for cleaning your digestive system, The Earth Ê-SENSE Remedy has a detox effect by acting deep on your organs. Composed of rosemary verbenone, tropical basil, aromatic ravintsara and coriander, it filters your liver, rebalances your body, soothes your bloating and fermentations related to digestion. Your emotional tensions and your tensions concentrated on the solar plexus disappear: you feel reboosted and revitalized! You are balanced, instinctive and intuitive, you need to regain a vital rhythm at the level of the food cycle and sleep …

The Ê-SENSE Earth remedy will accompany you, evacuating the anxiety which invades you on a daily basis and pollutes the spirit. With this Ê-SENSE fluid, you will be released from a digestive weight in your heart: a new life opens to you!


The Earth remedy will accompany you, evacuating the anxiety that invades you daily and pollutes your mind. With this fluid, you will be freed from a digestive weight in your inner self: A new life is opening up for you!


The spray accompanies you as a perfume during an important meeting. On your pillow or as a mist on your face. A feeling of freshness all day!


The Earth remedy has a detox effect, acting deeply on the organs. It filters the liver and rebalances the organism, it soothes bloating and fermentation linked to digestion. It also acts on fatigue, exhaustion, weakness and lack of energy. DOSAGE: 21-day cure every change of season. Orally to drain the spleen and stomach rebalance your inner rhythms through your digestive system. 2 capsules morning and evening during meals as a cure. If sick 4 capsules morning and evening for 6 days.


5 minutes in the posture Spleen & Stomach Meridiens. All the meridians of the lower body get stimulated through the compression in the toes.

Feu 9 avril - 20 mai

Let go caught in front of the mind

FIRE temperament you would be intuitive and wellorganised,loyal and faithful.You tend to enjoy athletics and toning your body.

You have a need to escape overanalysing by getting into movement, which might lead to broken sleep patterns.

You have a tendency to drink less water than your body needs and might lack iron and zinc.

Sleeping is essential for a healthy and balanced life, which is why the Ê-SENSE Fire remedy acts directly on sleep, focusing on intestinal disorders and concentration. Ylang-Ylang directly attacks your nervous anxiety, while driving out negative thoughts from your subconscious. Balances the intestines your second brain. It is known for its soothing virtues on the nervous system. No more stress, tension and feelings of depression. Acting directly on the mind, Patchouli helps letting go and stimulating desire, by broadcasting positive waves. Peppermint soothes your excessive emotivity and lack of discernment by releasing its virtues.

You are intuitive and well organized. You like to spend and move. Sport is an integral part of your life to escape the overwork of everyday life. To fight against insomnia that harms your restful sleep, Fire, in the form of capsules, takes over by regenerating you from the inside and allowing you to put your soul back in the center. In massage, the Fire remedy is distinguished by its relaxing power. In bath fluid or after a significant physical effort, peppermint acts deeply on muscular and temporal pains.


In massage, the Fire remedy is distinguished by its relaxing power. In bath fluid or after a significant physical effort, peppermint acts deeply on muscular and temporal pains.


The spray accompanies you as a perfume during an important meeting. On your pillow or as a mist on your face. A feeling of freshness all day!


Sleeping is essential for a healthy and balanced life, it is for this reason that the Fire remedy acts directly on sleep, focusing on intestinal disorders and concentration. The ylang-ylang balances the intestines, your second brain. It is known for its soothing properties on the nervous system. DOSAGE: 21-day cure every change of season. Orally to drain the spleen and stomach and rebalance your inner rhythms by your digestive system. 2 capsules morning and evening during meals as a cure. If sick 4 capsules morning and evening for 6 days.


5 minutes in the posture Broken wings meridian of intestines Detoxifies and calms your body. Improves mental focus, memory and overall concentration.Relieves stress and tension

Lac 21 mai - 6 juillet

Relax muscles and untie tensions

LAKE temperaments are passionate, creative, happy, altruistic and hypersensitive.

You often have ups and downs, do things in a hurry and may feel like you never have enough time.

Perhaps you put a lot of pressure on yourself and this leads to tensions that block the neck, nape and shoulders area

During periods of high stress or in case of speed, the thyroid can play tricks. This is where the Ê-SENSE Lac remedy fulfills its role by acting as a thyroid hormone regulator. The Corsican myrtle, purifying by nature, helps to free you dependencies. The aromatic ravensara restores dynamism, in the event of a blow of fatigue. It soothes the emotional tensions born in periods of anxiety. The small grain calms spasms and resolves the blockages and tensions that develop in your body.

You are passionate, creative and happy at the same time. This hypersensitivity allows you to move mountains. But, you also tend to perform your actions in a hurry, which creates pressure shots that affect your body. The Ê-SENSE remedy, in the form of fluid, comes to the rescue to unblock the tensions that are concentrated on your neck, neck and shoulders.



The remedy, in the form of a fl uid, comes to the rescue to unblock the tensions that are concentrated on your neck and shoulders.


The spray accompanies you as a perfume during an important meeting. On your pillow or as a mist on your face. A feeling of freshness all day!


The thyroid, the conductor of our body is essential. The Lac remedy fulfills its role brilliantly. It acts as a thyroid hormone regulator. Corsican myrtle is purifying by nature and helps to free oneself from addictions. DOSAGE: 21-day cure every change of season. Orally to drain the spleen and stomach and rebalance your inner rhythms by your digestive system. 2 capsules morning and evening during meals as a cure. If sick 4 capsules morning and evening for 6 days.


5 minutes in the posture Neck and shoulder pain relief. Shoulders will make you more flexible and relieve tension.

Ciel 7 juillet - 22 août

Regain your strength of action

SKY temperaments are creative, shining, enterprising and highly energetic.

You need to be in action to express your creativity and emotions.

In case of block you might feel angry towards yourself.

You tend to tie what is happening in the present to your past experience.

You are sensitive to injustice and may develop resentment.

Ears and obsessions can gangrene your daily life and develop blockages. The heaven Ê-SENSE remedy helps rid yourself of these disorders by targeting a trio of vital organs: the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Verbenone rosemary filters your liver by acting as a liver detoxifier. The laurel activates the energy gently while strengthening your power of concentration and increasing your memory capacity. Soothing and refreshing, peppermint soothes explosive and irritable temperaments, helping you keep a cool head. Rich in vitamin C, lemon boosts the immune system and eliminates toxins present in your body.

You belong to this category of creative and bright people. Your energy is such that you are enterprising. Too much movement can generate tension and emotional blockages, developing a sensitivity to injustice and grudge. To exfiltrate this overflow of negative energy, the Sky Fluid can ventilate your mind and lighten your body.


The Heavenly fluid can aerate your mind and give lightness to your body. Apply to the temples in case of headaches. The peppermint soothes the explosive temperaments and irritable. The fluidity of Heaven airs the mind and gives lightness to the body and mental


The spray accompanies you as a perfume during an important meeting. On your pillow or as a mist on your face. A feeling of freshness all day!


The Sky remedy cleanses a trio of essential organs: the liver, the gallbladder and the pancreas. Verbone rosemary filters the liver by acting as a liver detoxifier. The laurel activates energy gently by strengthening concentration. Soothing and refreshing, peppermint calms explosive and irritable temperaments, maintaining mental balance. Rich in vitamin C, lemon boosts the immune system and eliminates toxins present in the body. DOSAGE: 21-day cure every change of season. Orally to drain the spleen and stomach and rebalance your inner rhythms by your digestive system. 2 capsules morning and evening during meals as a cure. If sick 4 capsules morning and evening for 6 days.


5 minutes in the posture Stimulates the gallbladder and the liver to release toxins also help the kidney and bladder to boost the elimination of the toxins and excess liquids. Bonus help to sleep…

Position Yoga Ciel
Vent 23 août - 7 octobre

Drain the organs and rebalance them energetically

WIND temperaments are free spirits, committed, helpful to others (altruistic), lovers of nature, truth and beauty.

When not in nature or truth, you may feel weighed down and have trouble breathing.

Lungs are energetically linked to intestines so problems at that level may occur as well.

Breath is at the heart of your senses. It contributes to your inner well-being but remains fragile in the face of external aggressions. The Ê-SENSE remedy Wind encourages the letting go and the moments of meditation inside. Expectorant and anti-infectious, eucalyptus globulus decongests by providing a feeling of total respiration, by opening the bronchi. Eucalyptus staigeriana relaxes your pscycho-emotional soul by relaxing you deeply and removing anxiety and nervousness. Cardamom calms spasms and resolves the blockages and tensions that are created in your body.

You are free and engaged by nature. Your selflessness drives you to be helpful to others and to accomplish beautiful things. This can lead to feelings of oppression with breathing difficulties. The lungs are energetic online with the intestines. To combat these intestinal imbalances, the Fluid Wind brings you a new breath by giving air to your mind. Massage your intestines and solar plexus directly to let the oils in your blood.


The Wind remedy brings you a new breath by giving air to your mind. Massage your intestines and solar plexus directly to let the oils penetrate your blood. The result is fast and efficient.


The spray accompanies you as a perfume during an important meeting. On your pillow or as a mist on your face. A feeling of freshness all day!


Expectorant and anti-infectious, eucalyptus globulus decongests by providing a feeling of total breathing, the bronchi open and purify. Eucalyptus staigeriana relaxes the psycho-emotional soul and relaxes deeply, dispelling anxiety and nervousness. The cardamom calms the spasms and releases the blockages and tensions that are created in the body. DOSAGE: 21-day cure every change of season. Orally to drain the spleen and stomach and rebalance your inner rhythms by your digestive system. 2 capsules morning and evening during meals as a cure. If sick 4 capsules morning and evening for 6 days.


5 minutes in the posture Stimulates the functioning of the digestive system. The blood circulation by sending new blood into the organs. Pressure / compression repetition also helps in transit…

Position Yoga Vent
Eau 8 octobre - 21 novembre

Regain your life forces

WATER temperaments are analytical, enterprising, determined and deeply attached to their clan.

There is a need for security in your environment (family and friends).

When not finding this type of security, you may experience indecision, apprehension and emotional fears that translate into an energetical emptiness at kidneys level.This might lead to lower back blockages and muscular pain.

Back pain is the evil of the century. Far from being inevitable, you can act precisely and regain your ancestral inner strength. The Ê-SENSE Water remedy brings you a vital force in the kidneys and bladder by strengthening your physical and energy immune system. With its freshness and purity, juniper berries possess motivating virtues, pushing to act without hesitation, in gaiety and carelessness. The aromatic ravensara restores dynamism, in case of blow of fatigue. It soothes the emotional tensions born in periods of anxiety. The properties of the laurel are not to be demonstrated: reboosting and dynamic effect, activator of energy and concentration.

You are enterprising, determined, attached to your clan. Your need for security is felt by a desire for total control. This ability can lead to emotional fear developing apprehension and indecision. Muscular pain may appear in the lower back. To counteract these blockages, the Water Fluid acts durably on this sensitive area of ​​your body.



Muscular pain may appear in the lower back. To counteract these blockages, the Water Fluid acts durably on this sensitive area of ​​your body.


The spray accompanies you as a perfume during an important meeting. On your pillow or as a mist on your face. A feeling of freshness all day!


The Water remedy brings you a vital force in the kidneys and the bladder by strengthening your immune, physical and energetic system. By its freshness and purity, juniper berries have motivating virtues, pushing to act without hesitation, in gaiety and carefree. The aromatic ravensara restores dynamism in the event of fatigue. DOSAGE: 21-day cure every change of season. Orally to drain the spleen and stomach and rebalance your inner rhythms by your digestive system. 2 capsules morning and evening during meals as a cure. If sick 4 capsules morning and evening for 6 days.


5 minutes in the posture Meridians of Kidney and bladder. Trengthens the spine & relieve the stress. Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen. Firms the buttocks. Stimulates abdominal organs

Position Yoga Eau
Montagne 22 novembre - 5 janvier

Feeling of lightness and well-being

MOUNTAIN temperaments are perseverant, resistant, sensual, sensitive and sense-oriented, they interpret everything through their senses.

As a deeply emotional person, your need to be reassured, loved (looked at, touched, listened to) is such that feeling any lack of these may trigger low self-esteem and a sense of inferiority.

This may lead to lymphatic and circulatory disorders felt in the legs.

Tensions liberated, sensuality found again. With the Ê-SENSE Remedy Mountain, strengthen your lymphatic emunctory system, by making the blood circulation in your legs more fluid, to find the way to the consideration of others. Rosemary Cineole gives momentum, increases blood pressure and strengthens your aura. Cypress harmonizes your psycho-emotional quotient, leaving negative energies around you. Himalayan cedar with antispasmodic, draining and stimulating benefits revitalizes the arterial circulation.

You are persevering, resistant while being sensual, sensitive and sensory You need to be reassured, with regard to your extreme sensitivity. With Le Fluid Mountain, you’ll reach the heights of reinsurance and regain a confidence you thought was lost.



With Mountain Fluid, you will reach the top of reinsurance and regain the confidence you thought you lost. Tensions released, sensuality restored. Draining and stimulating revitalizes the blood circulation....


The spray accompanies you as a perfume during an important meeting. On your pillow or as a mist on your face. A feeling of freshness all day!


For all female troubles ... It also thins blood circulation in the legs. Rosemary 1.8 cineole gives momentum, increases blood pressure and strengthens the aura. The cypress harmonizes the psycho-emotional quotient. Himalayan cedar is renowned for the antispasmodic benefits it provides. It drains, stimulates and revitalizes the arterial circulation. DOSAGE: 21-day cure every change of season. Orally to drain the spleen and stomach and rebalance your inner rhythms by your digestive system. 2 capsules morning and evening during meals as a cure. If sick 4 capsules morning and evening for 6 days.


5 minutes in the posture Opens the energy circulation of the small pelvis and hips, favors the circulation of blood and lymphes. Relieves centripetal pain.

Position Yoga Montagne

My treatments are adapted

Our Spa offers personalized treatments according to your needs

Listening to what Nature offers us is essential.

We harvest live plants ourselves in our environment according to the cycles of the seasons and this with the greatest respect.

It is with these same values ​​that Ê-Senses Remedies will accompany you in care / massages, cosmetics and food in order to respect your frequency and the natural balance of your body.

Contact us now for an interview to determine your needs and personalized care

I adapt my diet

Each dish on our menu is accompanied by the pictogram of your item to guide you in your choice

Smooth with sweet flavors

Refreshing with a bitter, fibrous flavour

Cold or hot, refreshing and bitter flavour

Smooth, sweet and sour flavour

Cold and raw, fibrous flavour

Spicy, warm and crunchy flavour

Warm and salty flavour

Smooth and sweet flavour